mercredi 23 août 2017

les maisons des joueurs sur Citadel

 Les batisseurs de citadelle sur euh......ben Citadel !

Voici quelques une des maisons que j'ai pu voir lors de mes balades, je mettrai à jour lors de futures explorations.

citadel-france forged with fire

citadel-france forged with fire

citadel-france forged with fire

citadel-france forged with fire

citadel-france forged with fire

citadel-france forged with fire

citadel-france forged with fire

citadel-france forged with fire

citadel-france forged with fire

citadel-france forged with fire

citadel-france forged with fire

citadel-france forged with fire

akatore citadel forged with fire

akatore citadel forged with fire

akatore citadel forged with fire

akatore citadel forged with fire

akator citadel forged with fire

house citadel forged with fire

house player citadel forged with fire

house player citadel forged with fire

house player citadel forged with fire

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